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Join UCU
Manage your membership
Committee roles
Redundancies 2022
Open Letter to the University of Roehampton Council concerning the plans for the future of the University
UCU Response to Roehampton Consultations
Protest: How you can help
Template letter of protest to university executives
Donate to the Roehampton UCU Fighting Fund
Redundancies 2022 FAQs
Voluntary Redundancy Advice
Settlement Agreement Answers
News and Updates
Stress survey report Feb/March 2022
Workloads: UCU Response to Management’s proposed Academic Responsibilities Framework
Branch Meetings
Minutes 2020-21
Past motions
03/06/2020 Motion 1: A ‘Trust but Verify’ Stakeholder Model of ‘deferred payments’
03/06/2020 Motion 2: A Progressive Pay Cut Model
03/06/2021 Motion 1: IHRA Definition
03/06/2021 Motion 2: Freedom of Expression
09/07/2020 Motion 1 – Financial analysis working group report
09/07/2020 Motion 2 – Clarification of the terms of the dispute to be called with the university
11/01/2022 Workload motion
20/01/21 Motion to ballot for industrial action
24/06/2020 Motion 1: Implement Reasonable Financial Adjustments for BAME Academic Staff in the Time Limited Pay Reduction (TLPR Proposal)
24/06/2020 Motion 2: Call for a dispute on the Time Limited Pay Reduction (TLPR Proposal)
29/06/2021 Solidarity with Liverpool UCU Strike
Motion 1 – Consultative Ballot on Industrial Action, 21/10/20
Motion 2 – Vote of No Confidence in Vice-Chancellor and Provost, 21/10/20
Motion 3 – Immediate Review of SM Salaries and Roles, 21/10/20
Safety on campus
Strike action 2021-2022
Apply to the Roehampton Fighting Fund
Information for students
Out of office auto-reply
Response to VC statement about the strike
UCU’s request: Strikers’ pay into student hardship fund
Template letter for students
Useful Links and Campaigns
Campaigns and Activities
Roehampton UCU Fighting Fund
Research and Scholarly Activity (RSA) Time
Lecture Capture
Recording Lectures – FAQ’s
Template Letter to opt out of Lecture Recording
Academic staff experience, February 2021
Save London Weighting -proposed cuts to teaching grant in London
Tackling Excessive Workloads
Workload consultation: What members need to know
Marking turnarounds and the ‘4 week’ deadline
UCU Response to the Ventilation Report (23 September 2021)
Assessment of Risk Assessments (23 September 2021)
Model Covid Individual Risk Assessment (Sept 2021)
Template Covid Safety letter to Line Manager
Equality Issues
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Campaigns and Activities
Fight for Higher Education