UCU Roehampton Branch Committee Roles
The Chair’s key roles are to chair meetings and provide leadership for the committee. In accordance with normal practice, the Chair may, between meetings of the committee, take any action on behalf of the committee which is both urgent and necessary. They are usually one of the negotiators for the branch.
The duties of the Secretary are to call general and committee meetings of the branch; to ensure that minutes of those meetings (and other records) are kept; to organise communications within the branch and externally; to arrange notification of local election and ballot results to all members. The Secretary is often, but not always a negotiator for the branch.
The Treasurer has custody of the funds of the branch and authority to make payments from them in accordance with the rules as the need arises. The Treasurer keeps the books of the branch and presents them for audit and to the branch (and UCU’s Honorary Treasurer) as required. The income for the branch is not large and expenditure is relatively infrequent.
Membership Secretary
The Membership Secretary is responsible for organising recruitment and for keeping any membership records that are necessary at local level. The Membership Secretary also provides regular membership information to UCU in accordance with instructions from UCU head office or regional office.
Equality Officer
The Equality Officer has knowledge of and commitment to relevant issues, monitors the implementation of equality policies within the institution, and, where appropriate, encourages and support local negotiations on equality matters and monitors the volume and nature of personal casework which involves equality issues.
They also ensure that relevant events and opportunities for women, black members, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) members and disabled members are publicised, that members from all groups are encouraged to participate, and that the branch maximises the opportunities for recruitment and organisation amongst all groups.
Casework Coordinator
Acts as central point of contact for members requesting help from their union. The casework coordinator liaises with both these members and with caseworkers, pairing member with caseworker and balancing the case load of each case worker.
Anti-Casualisation Officer
Oversees branch policy on issues associated with precarious contracts. The Anti-Casualisation Officer works with the Membership Secretary on the recruitment of precarious workers; ensures that the interests and concerns of precarious workers are canvassed and prioritised within the branch; advertises relevant meetings and information to the membership and supports negotiations on relevant issues.
H & S Reps
The UCU Health and Safety rep monitors all aspects of health and safety (including stress and workload). Employers have a statutory duty to consult H & S reps on a wide range of issues. Additionally, H & S reps monitor workplaces and speak to members about potential concerns.
Department Reps
The Departmental Rep offers a vital connection between their School and the Committee, reporting members’ views, alerting the Committee to any relevant developments, passing on important union information to members and encouraging members to participate in activities. They may also be called upon to deliver leaflets locally, to put up posters or to act as a point of information and referral for members.
Workload allocation (called UCU facility time) will be provided for all roles and will be allocated by the Committee after the AGM. Training (for which workload allocation is also provided) will also be available for all officers and representatives.