All academic staff and academic-related (‘professional and managerial’) staff of the University of Roehampton are eligible to join Roehampton UCU, whether on a permanent or a fixed-term contract.
How much does it Cost?
Current membership rates are charged on a sliding scale, according to income.
PhD students who are contracted to teach in UK HE institutions are entitled to free membership.
Union Membership between Jobs
There are times in members careers when you may find yourself between jobs. UCU membership is free once your contract finishes, until you start your next contract. Contact the membership department to set this up. (Membership can be free for unemployed members for up to 12 months).
Union Membership when you Retire
You can remain a member when you retire. If you are still working part-time, we recommend that you stay a full member with a reduced subscription rate. You can transfer to retired membership using the online service My UCU. If you have fully retired, you can become a member of the London Region retired members branch who campaign on issues directly affecting retired members.
Can I be a member of more than one union?
Yes! UCU has joint membership agreements with unions that represent a variety of health professionals, as well as broadcasters, journalists and musicians. Joint memberships offer all the benefits of belonging to two unions, but at a reduced rate to eligible members.
Tax Relief
Members are entitled to claim tax relief on 67% of their annual subscription rates for the previous four years.