Motion 3 – Immediate Review of SM Salaries and Roles
This branch notes that the Senior Management Team (not including School/Dept. Heads) has continuously disregarded options put forward by UCU to rebalance University finances (the sale of the former Vice-Chancellor’s house in Putney, a stakeholder model of ‘deferred payments, and a more progressive pay cut scheme) and have instead opted to enact massive job cuts to academic staff across the School of Arts and the School of Humanities.
The branch believes that it is unethical to demand of academic staff pay reductions of 10% (or an optional 25%) while members of the Senior Management Team (not including School/Dept. Heads) retain pay packets of – in some cases – in excess of £200,000. The branch also believes that, were the University in as dire a financial state as members of the Senior Management Team insist, that Senior Management would and should voluntarily accept reductions in pay far exceeding the reported 15%. This branch believes that there are other options to meet the current financial challenges faced by the university, outlined many times to management, and that these should be taken before resorting to academic job cuts.
Therefore, this branch calls for an immediate review of the following Senior Management roles and salaries to assess whether the Senior Management Team as it is currently constituted is needed and presents value for money to the University: Vice-Chancellor Jean-Noël Ezingeard, Provost Anna Gough-Yates, Pro-Vice Chancellor and Chief Operating Officer Reggie Blennerhassett (and his successor, Tom Rowson), Deputy Provost Stephen Driver, and Vice Provost Mark Richardson.