24/06/2020 Motion 2: Call for a dispute on the Time Limited Pay Reduction (TLPR Proposal)

Meeting Date – 24/06/20

Motion 2: Call for a dispute on the Time Limited Pay Reduction (TLPR Proposal) (24/06/20)

This branch notes:

1. Senior management has rejected the proposal which the majority of Roehampton’s UCU members voted for at a members meeting on 3rdJune, 2020.

2. Senior management has contacted all staff on grade 7 and above asking them to individually accept (or not) a FTE/pay reduction

3. The UCU Roehampton branch held an electronic consultation with members (between Friday 19thJune – Monday 22nd June), the anticipated outcome of which  is a rejection of the University’s “Time-Limited Full-Time Equivalent and pay reduction for staff employed on grade 7 and above”

This branch believes:

1. Pay cuts will be detrimental to staff morale and to the students’ learning experience

2. Roehampton is the first institution in the UK to implement pay cuts of these proportions

3. That other solutions to the university’s financial instability, suggested by the negotiators, have not been sufficiently explored.

This branch resolves:

1. To demand that the branch executive committee call a local dispute over pay cuts.

2. To demand that the branch executive committee immediately writes to the General Secretary Jo Grady and asks her to present the recommendation that the Higher Education Committee declare our local dispute a “local dispute of national significance.”
