Roehampton UCU AGM: 29th May 2024

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of our UCU branch will take place on Wednesday 29th May 2024, at 1pm. This meeting will be held online; members should have received an email with the details (if you have not received this, contact us:

This is your union, and we need your help in strengthening our branch at this challenging time. All branch officer posts, and departmental rep posts are up for election every year; the nomination form has been sent to all members by email. We need both branch officials and  departmental reps – so even if you can’t commit the time required of a branch officer, you can still play an important role in connecting your department to UCU. Any member of our branch can stand for any of the officer or rep posts. Please contact us for more information if you are interested.

Nomination forms need to be sent to our Returning Officer, Amanda Sackur ( by 22nd May at 5pm.

Please keep in mind:
If you want to stand for election as a branch officer, you need to apply for a specific role. Do read the description of roles (details here). Please note: You need a current member of the branch to support your nomination.
Workload allowance is given for each role in the Committee.
Training is available, so don’t worry if you feel you don’t have much union experience.
Sharing a role with another member (job share) is possible (please indicate who you might share with, if known).

It’s important that our members attend the AGM and vote for the new branch officers and departmental reps. Together we can improve working conditions at Roehampton!

We have one motion to vote on, which is to amend the constitution of the branch to allow for more than one role to be held by a person, this is vital as currently we do not have enough branch officers to fill all of the necessary roles for a functioning branch and would allow the Treasurer to also be a Health and Safety officer etc.

In solidarity,
Roehampton UCU

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